The PC-SIG Library 9
The PC-SIG Library on CD ROM - Ninth Edition.iso
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Shareware Version 1.1
Index Applications Incorporated
8546 Broadway, Suite 208
San Antonio, TX 78217
voice: (512) 822-4818 fax: (512) 828-5074
Copyright (c) 1988, 1990 Index Applications Incorporated.
San Antonio, Texas, United States of America.
All rights reserved.
Index Applications grants you without charge the right to reproduce,
distribute and use copies of this "shareware" version of our UltraSearch
software product (including the on disk documentation), on the express
condition that you do not receive any payment, commercial benefit, other
consideration for such reproduction or distribution, or change this license
agreement or copyright notice.
The rights to receive any such financial or other benefit, and to modify the
product or its components, are reserved exclusively by Index Applications.
This software may not be reversed-engineered or disassembled, and includes
certain trade secrets and confidential information of Index Applications.
UltraSearch is a trademark of Index Applications Incorporated.
dBASE is a registered trademark of Ashton-Tate.
Problems and Technical Support
In the event you have problems with UltraSearch, please read this manual
first to make sure you do understand everything. If you are unable to resolve
the situation take the time to contact us and explain your problem to us.
Make sure that you include the following information to help us evaluate the
1. Version of DOS used
2. Machine type, memory, monitors, etc.
3. Any application executed before UltraSearch
4. Your address and telephone number
5. Where and how you obtained UltraSearch
6. Which version of UltraSearch you are using
UltraSearch is a dynamic, constantly changing program. For registered users,
our update policy is that all future releases of this product will be made
under a minimal cost policy.
Shareware Registration
This is a shareware version of UltraSearch, so you are encouraged to try it
out and make copies for friends. If you like the program and continue to use
it, we ask that you become a registered user. Registration is only $39 and
includes a diskette containing a registered version of the program, vinyl
binder, printed documentation, and program support. Support from users
enables us to develop additional features and future versions of the
UltraSearch product.
We provide information about future upgrades to all registered users. Texas
residents please add $3.21 Sales Tax. To register, send check, money order
or credit card (Visa/MC) information to:
Index Applications Incorporated
8546 Broadway, Suite 208
San Antonio, TX 78217
or call: (512) 822-4818
(800) 334-8099
or fax: (512) 828-5074
If you decide not to register because the program is missing a feature that
you require, or does not work with your computer or printer, please let us
know. We want to fix these kinds of problems whenever possible, so please,
take a few minutes and tell us about them.
UltraSearch Registration Payment Form
To order UltraSearch, please fill out the form below. Use street
address only (we cannot ship to a post office box).
Date: _____________
Name: _____________________________ Title: ___________________
Company: ________________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________
City: ___________________________________________________________
State/Country: ________________________ Zip: ____________________
Phone Work: (_____) _____ - ______ Home: (_____) _____ - ______
Method of payment: Please complete the worksheet below and choose
one of the payment options indicated. Texas State residents
| | | Cost | Total |
| Quantity | Description | per unit | Cost |
| | | | |
| | UltraSearch Package | $39.00 | |
| | | | |
| Texas residents add sales tax (8.25%) | |
| Shipping Cost(UPS Ground) add $4.00 ea| |
Please indicate diskette format: [ ] 5.25 +==========+
[ ] 3.5
[ ] Check with order [ ] Money Order [ ] MasterCard [ ] VISA
Credit card #:______________________________ Exp. Date: ____/____
Signature: ______________________________________________________
Cardholder's name: ______________________________________________
Cardholder's address: ___________________________________________
(If different from above)
Send all items to: Index Applications
UltraSearch Order Department
8546 Broadway, Suite 208
San Antonio, TX 78217 USA
If you have any questions, please call 512-822-4818. Volume users
of UltraSearch please inquire about quantity discounts.
Your comments about this software and documentation are welcome.
Please take the time to fill out this form or write or call us
with your comments.
Name: _____________________________ Title: __________________
Company: _______________________________________________________
Address: _______________________________________________________
City: __________________________________________________________
State/Country: ________________________ Zip: ___________________
Phone Work: (_____) _____ - ______ Home: (_____) _____ - ______
UltraSearch Version #: _________ Exe File Date: _______________
Send this form to: Index Applications
UltraSearch Comments
8546 Broadway, Suite 208
San Antonio, TX 78217 USA
Copyright (c) 1988,1990 Index Applications Incorporated
All Rights Reserved
Index Applications Incorporated
8546 Broadway, Suite 208
San Antonio, TX 78217
Shareware Diskette Documentation
Welcome to UltraSearch. You have just substantially improved your ability to
make inquiries on your dBASE database files. You can now search data faster,
more easily, and more effectively than you ever imagined possible. Key
features you can take advantage of include:
- Creating a small index file, which stays small even if you include every
field in your database.
- Easily designing the display screen, including only the fields you select;
use your usual word processor if you wish.
- Permitting the viewer to update data. Maintenance of the index file is
automatic and instant if an update is performed.
- Instantly finding the data you search.
- Completing complicated inquiries without complicated command syntax (just
type the character, word or phrase and press the Enter key).
As powerful as UltraSearch is, you will still find it easy to learn and easy
to use.
Whether you are working with hundreds of records or tens of thousands of
records, you probably went through the effort to create the database so that
you could get useful information out of your computer later. dBase III
provided you with several features to simplify data entry, but consider what
the following UltraSearch features can do for your ability to extract
UltraSearch utilizes an extremely powerful and efficient indexing technology
that can index a 35,000 record file in less than 5 minutes. All the fields
you select for indexing are included in a single index file. Even though you
may elect to include all your database fields, the UltraSearch index will
occupy a maximum of only 32 bytes per record. There is no practical limit to
the data you may include in this index. This small index is the real secret
behind the lightning speed of UltraSearch.
Free Form Searches
You know there are several entries for wire cutters in the inventory file
you've created, but SEEK, FIND, and LOCATE fail to turn up the description
you're looking for. The problem is you can't remember the exact description.
This is how UltraSearch works; your description field may look like any of
Cutters, Wire/Cable, Electric
Electrical Cutters, Wire/Cable
Wire/Cable Cutters, Electrical
...and yet any of the following UltraSearch inquiries would locate your
Search> wire cutters
Search> w cut
Search> electric cut
Search> cutter elect
Easy to Use
Maybe you tried creating several fields to remedy the problem of the wire
cutters, described above. UltraSearch combines all of these fields in a
single index file. If your file looks like this:
Field #1 Field #2 Field # 3
Cutters Wire Electrical Wire Electrical Cutters
...Your UltraSearch inquiry to search across fields #1, #2 and #3 looks like
Search> wire cutters
Note: "wire cutters," of course, could be replaced with a nearly infinite
number of free form inquiries.
Upper/Lower Case Flexibility
UPPER/lower case, or any combination, doesn't matter to UltraSearch. This
eliminates another bit of "command syntax". The familiar:
is replaced with any of the following:
Search> wire cutters
Search> Wire Cutters
Partial Word Searches
Carter Building or John Cartier Building? You want to ask dBASE to find the
address in the "Cart- something Building". Even
won't help if "John Cartier Building" was actually entered in your
database. The UltraSearch Inquiry:
Search> cart building
But was it in the ADDRESS field or the BUILDING field? It doesn't
matter, because UltraSearch checks both--at the speed of an indexed search!
You can use dBASE LOCATE to find information in any field, as long as you
remember at least the first few letters and remember the command syntax
exactly. But what if time is a factor? Since dBASE can handle only 7 indices
at one time, reindexing before you inquire is slow. It seems like you can't
UltraSearch lets you index on every field you wish and the index file
occupies a maximum of just 32 bytes per record, regardless of the size of
your record, or the number of index fields!
Data Security
What do you do when you want several work stations to inquire on your
database? You're not ready for the complexity of a Local Area Network, but
you don't want to buy several copies of dBASE either.
The UltraSearch solution: continue to use your dBASE programs at your
primary data entry station. Then copy the entire file or selected records
to other work stations for inquiry or maintenance using UltraSearch.
Compare the price for several copies of UltraSearch to the same for
Diverse Application
It doesn't matter if you are concerned with parts and inventory files,
personnel and human resources files, mailing lists, or customer tracking
files: UltraSearch will vastly improve your inquiry capability on any
dBASE database file you create.
Versatile Screen
You define the appearance of your UltraSearch inquiry display. When you
do, you determine not only where fields are displayed, but which fields
are displayed. In fact, you may create several different versions of the
UltraSearch display for use at various work stations.
Update Capability
Once you have located a record with UltraSearch, you have total update
capability. You can add new records, mark records for deletion or change
records as you wish. The UltraSearch index file is updated automatically.
Getting what you need out of your computer is the most important function of
your database file. Getting information out of your computer is what
UltraSearch is all about.
About this documentation file...
This file is divided into sections, which we hope will enable you to receive
exactly the amount of help you need. Since UltraSearch is intended for
computer novices and gurus alike, this presents something of a challenge, but
here goes...
Section 1, Getting Started, will tell you how to copy UltraSearch onto your
hard disk.
Section 2, Setting Up, will introduce you to the general requirements of
UltraSearch and tell you how to prepare UltraSearch for handling your
particular database files.
Section 3, Reference, goes straight to the heart of each UltraSearch command.
Section 4, System Messages & Problem Solving, explains the meaning and the
significance of the various messages you may receive from UltraSearch.
Section 1, Getting Started
Installing UltraSearch. Getting UltraSearch into your computer is as easy
as copying the contents of the distribution diskette into your SEARCH
directory and adding C:\SEARCH to the PATH command in your AUTOEXEC.BAT
file. If you're not familiar with DOS commands, this is how it's done:
1. Before you do anything else, make a backup copy of the distribution
diskette C>DISKCOPY A: A:
The computer will ask you to place the SOURCE diskette in Drive A.
Insert the distribution diskette and press <Enter>.
After reading the disk drive for a minute, the computer will ask you to
place the TARGET diskette in Drive A. Insert your blank diskette and press
<Enter>. If it's not already formatted, the operating system will take
care of that automatically.
2. At the DOS prompt, make a directory to store your UltraSearch files:
C>CD \ (change to the Root directory)
C>MD SEARCH (create SEARCH directory)
C>CD SEARCH (change to SEARCH directory)
Note: when you type these commands, the computer won't "do" anything,
but the current directory will then be SEARCH.
3. Copy the contents of the distribution diskette:
C>copy a:*.*
4. Edit the PATH command in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file using either EDLIN,
your own DOS text editor, or your favorite word processing program if it
has ASCII file import and export capabilities. The PATH command will look
something like this:
All you need to do is tack on our new directory as follows:
Text Editor
Before actually running UltraSearch on a database file, you may find it
helpful to customize a specialized file called a "template," which is a DOS
text (ASCII) file defining your UltraSearch file display layout. While we
will be describing this at some length shortly, it is worth mentioning
"text" editors. The editor you use may be any of the following:
You may be familiar with this command used to activate the dBASE text
editor. It is fine for our purposes.
Your Word Processor
Most word processors enable you to save files in a generic text
format. They may call it an "ASCII" save or "DOS text" file, but the main
thing is that they strip away the special characters unique to that word
Programmer's Text Editors
Most of the text editors intended for programmers produce exactly the
kind of generic text we've been talking about.
If you don't have access to anything else, EDLIN will do. This is a
single-line editor provided with the DOS operating system, which is
adequate for the minimal requirements of your template file.
File Extensions
A DOS filename may include a 3-character "extension", which is
sometimes used by software such as dBASE and UltraSearch to identify
particular types of files. There are five file extensions with special
meaning to UltraSearch:
.DBF (database file)
This extension is added automatically by dBASE when you create a
database file. This convention is not required by UltraSearch; dBASE
database files with any extension may be used.
.TP (template)
This extension is required so that UltraSearch can find the template
file which corresponds to the database file you select.
.INF (information)
Files with this extension are created by UltraSearch automatically
when you select a database file with no corresponding template (TP)
file. This file is intended for your convenience only; it is a
reference to the structure of your database to be used in creating your
template file. If you don't need this file, you can delete it at any
time. It is not required by UltraSearch.
.IA (UltraSearch index)
The index files serve the same purpose for UltraSearch that you have
seen in dBASE; it makes finding data much faster. You may be
accustomed to having several index files for various purposes.
UltraSearch requires only one, regardless of the type of search you wish
to perform.
.EXE (UltraSearch Program File)
US.EXE - This is the executable UltraSearch program file.
Section 2, Setting up UltraSearch
Overview to UltraSearch Setup
UltraSearch is not intended for creating new databases (but watch for
future releases which may). Therefore, we have to assume you already have
a database file in place. In addition to an existing database file, a
"template" file is required by UltraSearch. This template serves two
purposes; it
1) defines the way the display screen will appear as you use
UltraSearch, and
2) enables you to mark the fields which are to be included in the
UltraSearch index (for subsequent searches).
UltraSearch creates a template file automatically and assumes that you
would like to index all fields in the record. It is likely, however, that
you will want to customize the appearance of your record display, or
exclude one or more fields from the UltraSearch index.
Template Files
A template file is used to tell UltraSearch exactly how you want the
display screen to look. UltraSearch creates a template file automatically,
using the file extension, ".TP". Customizing the appearance of your
UltraSearch display is simply a matter of editing this file using your text
editor or word processor like we did on the one presented here:
\*author1\ \*author4\ \*author7\
\*author2\ \*author5\ \*author8\
\*author3\ \*author6\ \*author9\
We used upper case letters to distinguish between descriptive text and actual
field names, but this is not an UltraSearch requirement.
The following points are all you need to remember in editing your template
- Field names from the dBASE file are entered between backslashes (\);
- The first backslash represents the starting position for the
displayed data;
- Anything not typed between backslashes will appear exactly as typed;
- You must leave space for display of the entire field; overlapping
fields will prevent UltraSearch from running;
- Fields which are to be included in the UltraSearch index are preceded
by an asterisk (*) (in our example, we included all but one, with no
increase in the size of the index!);
- Fields which are to be displayed but not included in the UltraSearch
index are entered between backslashes (\) without an asterisk (*);
- The template file, and subsequently your display, may be a total of
21 lines in length (to leave room for UltraSearch messages and input);
- If there is not room for an entire field before the end of the
display, the field will appear truncated, but the entire field is
indexed and is searchable.
Section 3, UltraSearch Reference
Starting UltraSearch.
Typically, you would start UltraSearch from the directory which contains
your database and template files. UltraSearch is started at the DOS prompt
with the command:
FILENAME, of course, would be the name of your database file. The
extension, .DBF, is not required, but if you have changed the standard
extension to something else, you must include it.
UltraSearch Commands.
UltraSearch commands are activated by pressing one of the cursor control
keys or the character keys described here. You may also use the light bar
menu displayed at the bottom of the UltraSearch display. Use the right and
left arrow keys, or the first letter of each command to make menu
Creating an UltraSearch Index (I).
A database file must be indexed by UltraSearch before you can use the
Search command, but the basic browsing and editing options will work even
before the UltraSearch index is created. When you press the letter, I,
UltraSearch will check to see if an index for this file already exists. If
an index file does already exist, UltraSearch will ask you to verify (Y
or N) before continuing. The old index will be replaced, if you select Y.
CAUTION: UltraSearch index files are not updated when you add or modify
records using dBASE. Therefore, you must use Index to update your
UltraSearch index, if the file has been updated using dBASE since the last
UltraSearch index operation.
Search (S).
The search option is the most powerful feature of UltraSearch. It is
both fast and easy to use.
Search All Occurrences.
When you press the letter, S, UltraSearch will display a search
prompt. Simply type the word or words (up to 70 characters) that you are
looking for and press <Enter>; UltraSearch will check all indexed fields
for matching records.
If you specify more than one word, UltraSearch will assume you mean
find all records containing both (or all) specified words. Therefore,
if you specify "san francisco" you won't be retrieving "san diego". This
also means that if you search for the name "ed brown", UltraSearch will
also locate a record with a street name "twistED rock" in "BROWNsville"
if all these fields are included in the index and you don't get more
Recalling Your Last Search.
If you want to recall the last search string entered, simply push the F1 key
from within the search mode. This is useful when you wish to modify the last
search slightly, or if you would like to re-invoke the last search without
typing the search string again.
Getting More Specific.
To limit the scope of a search to a particular field, simply add a tilde (~)
and field number to the word (with no blank space). For example, if NAME
(field #4) and CITY (field #8) are both included in the index:
brown~4 will find Ed Browning
but not Brownsville TX
brown~8 will find Brownsville TX
but not Ed Browning
Note: The Layout (L) option is useful as a field number reference. You can
determine the field number and check to see if a particular field is included
in the index. You may wish to print the layout screen (using the DOS Print
Screen function) for future reference when building a complex search.
The vertical line (|) may be used to specify characters which occur only at
the beginning or end of a word, for example:
|co will find Randy Coleman
but not San Francisco
co| will find San Francisco
but not Randy Coleman
|San| will find San Francisco
but not Santa Fe Browsing Options.
Do not be confused by a distinct difference between a dBASE indexed file
and an UltraSearch indexed file: after UltraSearch indexing, your database
file will still appear in its original record order.
Top/Bottom of File
The HOME and END keys are used to advance instantly to the top of the
database file or to the end of the file respectively.
Next Record in File
The DOWN arrow (cursor control key) or the space bar may be used to advance
to the next record in the data base file by record number sequence. This does
not interfere with the Next and Previous Find options, which enable you to
browse through records found in the current Search. When you reach the bottom
of the file, UltraSearch automatically continues with record number 1 (as if
the file were circular). Watch the record number counter in the lower right
Previous Record in File
The UP arrow (cursor control key) is used to move to the previous record in
the database file by record number sequence. This does not interfere with
the Next and Previous Find options, which enable you to browse through
records found in the current Search. When you reach the top of the file,
UltraSearch automatically continues with the last record in the file (as if
the file were circular). Watch the record number counter in the lower right
Next Find (N)
Press the letter, N, to advance to the next occurrence of the word(s) found
by a search. UltraSearch will continue to advance until it displays the
message, "No More".
Previous Find (P)
Press the letter, P, to move to the previous occurrence of the word(s) found
by a search. UltraSearch will continue in this fashion until the message,
"No Previous". is displayed.
Move to Record Number (M)
Even after indexing, your records will appear in their original record
sequence (the order in which they were added). When you press the letter, M,
UltraSearch will ask you to specify a record number. Type the record number
and press enter. It is similar to the dBASE GOTO command.
Editing (E)
When you press the letter, E, UltraSearch enters "edit" mode. Use the
arrow keys to move to the field you wish to edit. The "current" field will
appear in reverse video. Press the Enter key to save the change and leave
edit mode or press Escape to cancel the change.
Keyboard Definitions
The following table lists the editing functions available when in edit
Edit Function Predefined Key(s)
Delete Character Del
Delete Previous Character Backspace
Delete Field Ctrl-End
Delete Word F5
Delete to End of Line F6
Exit Without Saving Esc
Exit After Saving Enter
Insert Mode Toggle Ins
Move to Next Word End
Move to Previous Word Home
Move to Start of Field F3
Move to End of Field F4
Move to Previous Field Up Arrow or Shift-TAB
Move to Next Field Down Arrow or TAB
Move Forward Right Arrow
Move Backwards Left Arrow
Save then Add New Record F7
Save then Edit Next Record PgDn
Save then Edit Previous Record PgUp
Toggle Record as Deleted F9
Transpose Characters F8
Help is available in several forms. There is a general UltraSearch
command reference as well as a file reference to help you determine field
numbers and identify index keys.
General Command Reference (H)
When you press the letter, H, UltraSearch displays a one-page display
of all of the keys used to activate the various UltraSearch Commands.
You may press any key to exit this display.
Field Names (F)
Pressing the letter, F, will produce a list of all the fields in your
database. Those which have been selected for display and indexing will
have boldfaced field numbers; those selected for display only will have
field numbers in reverse video; those not selected for display or
indexing will have field numbers displayed in normal mode. To change
these selections, you must exit UltraSearch and edit your template file.
Layout (L)
The layout display, activated by pressing the letter, L, is similar in
function to the field name list described in the previous paragraph.
The difference is that only fields selected for display are shown. A
number indicates that the field is included in the index and may be
used in defining the scope of a search. If a one byte field is indexed
and has a double digit field number, the field will be displayed with a
letter (A-Z) and a cross- reference for that letter will be displayed at
the bottom of your screen. A field which is not included in the index
will be filled with X's.
Write Results (W)
This option may only be used after specifying your search criteria using
option S (search). Press W and UltraSearch will ask you to type a name for
the new database file to which all records found by the search will be
copied. The name you use must be eight characters or less in length, may
not include a period or any spaces, and may not include an extension.
UltraSearch will add the extension, ".DBF". If you had customized the
original template file, you could use the DOS Copy command to create a
template for the new file.
where FILENAME.TP is your original template file and NEWFILE.TP is the
name of the new template file.
You will also need to Index the new file before doing any searches.
Quit (Q)
You may exit UltraSearch at any time by simply pressing the letter, Q.
You will be asked to confirm this selection (Y, exit, or N, cancel).
Remember that if you made any changes to data which might affect your dBASE
indices, you may want to re-index your dBASE file.
Section 4, System Messages & Problem Solving
System Messages
The following is an alphabetic listing of messages which you may receive
from UltraSearch from time to time. Many of these do not denote errors;
they are simply informative messages to make sure everything is in order.
Most are self-explanatory, but you may want to read these notes to
understand the full implication of these messages.
Already indexed. Are you sure?
Each time you index the file, UltraSearch will overlay the previous
index file. This message lets you verify that this is what you wish to
do. Replacing the original index is necessary any time there is a change
made to an indexed field by software other than UltraSearch.
Bad Command or File Name
This is actually a DOS error message indicating that the operating
system doesn't recognize the command entered. If the current directory
is not SEARCH, then SEARCH must be added to the path command (see
Installing UltraSearch). This error would also occur if you omitted the
space between USDEMO and the FILENAME.
Creating index
This flashing message will continue until the new index is complete. A
counter in the center of the status line will indicate the number of
records indexed (in increments of 100). If you abort the index,
UltraSearch will prevent you from searching on the incomplete index
CAUTION: If you exit UltraSearch after aborting indexing, you could
reactivate UltraSearch without reindexing. However, this would be
inadvisable since the index would not be complete and any search might be
Creating New .DBF file Finished. XXXXXX records written
This message flashes when you use the Write Results (W) command to
copy searched records and will continue until the new database file has
been completed. The counter will increment as each record is added to the
new file.
File is indexed
CAUTION: This message tells you that an index exists, but does not
verify that the index is current. If changes have occurred in the
database since the last time you used UltraSearch, you must Index the file
File name for output (no extension)
When you select option W (Write), you must name the new database file.
Use only eight or fewer characters, with no spaces or periods.
Illegal constraint field
A constraint limits the scope of a search to a particular field. The
word to be searched must be followed by a tilde (~) and field number.
Option L (Layout) will provide you with a display of valid field
numbers. This message indicates that you have selected a
non-indexed field or typed a tilde (~) without specifying a field
More than 22 lines in the template file. Please shorten to 22 lines
or less.
The size of the display area is limited to prevent
interference with the display of file information and messages. Use
your text editor to modify the template file.
No More
This indicates that you have reached the last record matching
your search criteria.
No previous
This tells you that no records before the displayed record
match your search criteria.
No search in progress
This message will appear if you select N (Next Find) or P
(Previous Find) without first specifying your search criteria. Use
option S (Search) first, then use these options to browse
through selected records. The up and down arrows (or space bar) are
used to advance through the database by record number,
regardless of search criteria.
No search results to use
You may not use option W (Write) without first using option S
(Search) to specify which records you wish UltraSearch to copy to
another file.
Null string after constraint field removed
This message tells you that you have typed an extra blank
space between the tilde (~) and the field number.
Correct Incorrect
brown~3 brown ~3
Overlapping field 'MI' on line 4 of template file
In laying out your template file, you must be sure to leave
room for display of all fields. This message was produced by placing
the middle initial (MI) too close to the first name (FIRST),
which was fourteen characters in length.
This problem was corrected by repositioning the fields as
Possible file change. Please re-index if this has occurred.
This message will only appear when you first activate
UltraSearch, indicating that the index file may not match the database
file. If you exit without indexing you will not receive this
message again when you reactivate UltraSearch.
Record number is out of bounds
Option M (Move to Record Number) prompts you to enter a record
number between 1 and the last record number in the file, which is
displayed in parenthesis. This message indicates you entered a
number beyond this range or a letter (which equals 0).
No template file ('DEMO.TP') found, so am creating the
file 'DEMO.INF' which is an information file containing
descriptive information about the database which can
be used in creating a template. A template file
will also be created displaying as many of these fields
as can fit on the screen. Run this program again to use
this template or consult the documentation
for help in creating your own display template.
UltraSearch has created a .TP (template) file and an .INF
(information) file for your use. You should re-run USDEMO if you wish
to use these files.
.TP file non-existent but .INF file exists. Overwrite .INF file
(y or n)?
While attempting to create a template file, UltraSearch found
an information file already existed. You should answer 'y' if you
would like UltraSearch to create a display template for you.
Unable to create .DBF output file
Using the Write, W, command, you specified an illegal name for
the new file; it must be eight or fewer characters, and may not
contain spaces or a period.
Unable to open file 'FILENAME'
This message occurs when you attempt to run UltraSearch with a
non-existent file name. Check to see if you spelled the name of the
file correctly before restarting the program. This error would
also occur if the file existed, but was not a dBASE file.
You must create index prior to searching
Without the unique UltraSearch index, option S (Search) is not
functional. You must first select option I (Index) to create the
required index.
Problem Solving
Since UltraSearch is primarily concerned with improving a fairly
specific aspect of database management, there aren't many ways to get in
trouble; however, we found a few conditions worth mentioning:
Cursor control keys appear to stop working
Check your Num Lock key. If you accidentally press it, there
will be no visible indication on the screen. The numeric keypad is not
included in the default configuration file.
You have accidentally selected an option you do not wish to use.
If a message does not say, "Press any key to continue", just
press the <Enter> key. This blank entry will cancel any command.
You have tried to start UltraSearch while dBASE is running and
keep returning to the dBASE dot prompt.
UltraSearch is probably displaying an error message which is
immediately overlaid by dBase. You are probably entering the filename
incorrectly. Be sure and type:
FILENAME is the name of you database file. The extension is
not necessary unless it is different from the standard .DBF.
Shareware Version 1.1
Order (800) 334-8099
Index Applications Incorporated
8546 Broadway, Suite 208
San Antonio, TX 78217
voice: (512) 822-4818 fax: (512) 828-5074
By sending in your payment, together with your name, company name, mailing
address, telephone number, version number, and where you heard about
UltraSearch and got your copy, we will send you a copy of the latest version
of UltraSearch, printed documentation, free technical support and
announcements of later releases. Also, please feel free to contribute your
ideas regarding desired additional product features and functionality.